Develop Backlinks for Your Website by Following These Practices

Developing backlinks for your website requires a lot of hard work, effort, dedication and patience. Previously, it was possible to insert links to your website from anywhere online. But, today, Google has made certain changes to its regulations to ensure that websites develop only quality backlinks. The focus is more on quality than on quantity, and if you acquire backlinks through black hat strategies, the search giant will not hesitate to penalise your website. So, some of the good practices that you can consider for developing backlinks are given below.

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Write shareable content

Creating interesting, easy to read and shareable content gives any website the chance to show their expertise in their niche. It gives them a chance to link their website with various webpages. The content can be a well-crafted blog post or it can be an infographic. As long as the content is original and worth sharing across different platforms, you will get high-quality backlinks. This will also help to drive traffic to your business website.

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Want More Website Traffic? Here are a Few Things You Can Do

If you are looking for ways to drive more traffic to your website, there are a few fundamental strategies that can help you achieve that result. Some of them are given below.

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Good quality content

High-quality, informative and relevant content continues to rule the world of SEO. This tactic is quite simple if you have professional writers who are great with research and have the expertise to craft original, interesting content. You can create a blog section on your website where visitors can find information regarding your brand, services or products. You can also post content on various social media platforms and other digital channels. By communicating with your target audience through well-crafted content, you will be boosting website traffic. However, if you do not have excellent writers on your team, you can reach out to a search engine optimisation firm in Liverpool and seek their professional help.

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Why Should You Make Your Website HTTPS?

When it is about your business website, security plays a key role in its overall success. Recent studies have revealed that approximately 80% of consumers would not make any kind of purchase if their data is at risk due to unsecured connection. Also, more than 75% of consumers would not browse websites that are unsecured. So, if you still have not made your website HTTPS, you are probably losing a lot of potential customers.

Below given are some more reasons as to why you should immediately make your business website HTTPS.

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Improved security

The primary reason is to make your website more secured so that your visitors can enjoy a better user experience. According to statistics, cyber-attack takes place every thirty-nine seconds and most of the attacks are targeted towards small businesses. Even Google has made certain changes to its ranking algorithm to provide better user experience and if your website is not HTTPS, Google sends out a warning to visitors. So, make your website HTTPS and protect the confidential information of your website visitors.

Increase in search engine rankings

Since security is one of the main criteria for user experience, you will notice that most of the websites that appear on the first page of the SERPs are HTTPS. Google does not want users to visit websites that are not secured. If you want your website to rank higher, you need to contact an Internet advertising agency in Bradford and make your website HTTPS.

Enhanced rate of conversions

Users may not have an in-depth technical understanding about secured connections, but they know better than to visit a website that is not secured. Since they want to safeguard their personal information from hackers, they prefer HTTPS websites. Since the time Google started their HTTP labelling, there has been a huge difference in the conversion rates between HTTPS and HTTP websites. Obviously, HTTPS websites have a better rate of conversion as these websites offer safety and peace of mind to the users.

More customer loyalty

More and more users are specifically looking for websites with secured connections. A secure connection provides customers with peace of mind that the website can be trusted and their private data is protected.

So, if you want to make your HTTPS, get in touch with a professional digital marketing agency in Bradford. Make sure to request a quote before joining hands.

Effective Ways to Decrease Bounce Rate for Your Website

It’s exhilarating to be able to begin your business and take it online. However, you also become part of billions of businesses already existing on the Internet. Standing out amongst all of them will be a challenge. One of the ways to make sure that you are ahead of your competitors is by ensuring that your bounce rate is less. You need to be able to drive visitors to your website and keep them for a long time. Below given are some effective ways that you can implement to decrease the bounce rate of your website.

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Know your audience

It is crucial that you understand and know your target audience who will be exploring your website. If the content available on your website does not immediately offer the information that the visitors are seeking, your bounce rates will increase. You need to be aware of the needs of your audience and make sure that your website content caters to their requirements.

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What are the Different Formats of Google’s Featured Snippets?

Over the years, Google has been evolving and adding more information to the search results in order to improve the search experience. Recently, the search giant has introduced the featured snippets, which is a format that is meant to provide users with direct and concise answers to their questions. The featured snippets are found on the SERPs, but users do not have to click through to get their answers. They are known as the position 0 and appears before the organic search results.

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In terms of value, featured snippets are known to increase website traffic, enhance brand awareness and boost revenue. The following are the three primary formats of featured snippets that you need to know.

Featured snippets as lists

Lists presented in either bullet point or numbered form as probably the most common form of featured snippets. They are often shown as a partial list, which the users can access fully by clicking on the link. This is the form of snippet that most content marketers chase. So, if you want your content to be featured here, you need to craft your content using numbers or bullet points so that the search engine spiders can easily crawl through the content and index it.

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Ways to Create User-friendly Content for Your Blog

People browse the Internet for diverse reasons – resolving a query, entertainment, relaying information and so on. For each search, millions of results are made available to the searcher. With so many available possibilities, it is crucial that you connect with an SEO provider in Manchester who has a team of content writers. Professional writers are capable of creating original, information and interesting content that can satisfy users. Below given are some of the methods that professional writers use to create appealing content for a fun user-experience.

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In-depth and well-researched content

It is not so much about writing content as it is about writing quality content. It is crucial that the content being uploaded on your website is relevant to your niche, products or services. It should provide your audience with the information that they seek. In order to break the mould and appeal to the audience, professional writers craft in-depth content that talk about a particular product or a feature of the product in detail.

Correct use of space

The right use of space can make a huge visual impact on the way the content has been written. You cannot expect users to read lines of text that are on top of each other or lack space. It is important that the content appears visually appealing with proper spacing in between text, headings and subheadings.

Breaking up text using images or bullet points

The attention span of today’s audience is extremely low and they get easily distracted. To keep them hooked, you need to create contact that looks visually appealing and engaging. To that end, professional writers break up text with the use of high-quality images, bullet points, numbers and so on. This helps to give the users a little break from reading lines of text.

Use of simple language

Things should be kept simple and it should not be complicated to read for the audience. Information provided must be crisp, short and relevant. If there are too many technical jargons, users will simply get bored and skip over to some other blog that explains the same things in a much more simpler language.

These are a few of the methods implemented by professional writers to create content that is aesthetically appealing and interesting to read. If you wish to overhaul the blog section of your website, connect with a professional SEO company.

Effective Ways to Strengthen Your On-page SEO

More and more people are turning to the Internet for finding products or services. This has made SEO critical to the success of businesses of all sizes and types. If your business website is not visible on the popular search engines, you cannot hope to beat your competitors. However, the problem is that most businesses in Sheffield are unaware of how to optimise their website for on-page SEO. Luckily, Nhance Digital’s SEO professionals have listed below some of the best practices that you can consider.

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Optimise your page titles

Even though most people do not realise, the title tags or page title is immensely important. It is the first thing that search engines spiders read when scanning a website. Page titles are crucial because they inform the search engines what the website is trying to get found for. Make sure to include relevant keywords in the titles so that it is easier for the search engine spiders to crawl and index your website.

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A Guide to 301 Redirects

301 redirects are a convenient way to direct one page to another page without affecting the SEO rankings. These redirects are also used to drive organic traffic by optimising a website and consolidating content. However, you require the help of SEO experts in this process. Read on to know what 301 redirect is and how they impact SEO.

What are 301 redirects?

301 redirect enables one to make alterations in a website’s URL without affecting the rankings. This is an HTTP status code, which indicates that a webpage has moved to another location. A 301 redirect lets a browser know that a page is using a new URL and it will not come back to its previous location. However, for a temporary change, it will not be wise to use 301 redirects. For this, you can opt for a 302 redirect.

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How Guest Blogging is Used for Natural Link Building?

Guest blogging remains an important search engine optimisation strategy. When implemented correctly, it can drastically boost keywords rankings, brand awareness, online visibility, traffic and conversions. Successful link building takes time, but the efforts yield good results in the long run. When you hand your business to SEO experts to drive traffic and visibility, they invite guest authors to post on their content, benefitting both the bloggers and brand’s product. Guest bloggers give backlinks to their products and useful links suitable to the topic, producing organic backlinks to improve search engine rankings and brand awareness.

SEO specialists of top SEO companies in Birmingham have been using this for decades. Though search engines are always updating its algorithm to fight black hat SEO, guest blogging remains a good tactic immune to any update in search engine landscape. When it is done correctly, it brings collaboration and rich content.

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What are Heading Tags and What Are Its Benefits?

You are ready to publish content on a website, but hold on and take a glance at the piece written. Did you use heading tags? You may miss out the tremendous opportunity of attracting people if you did not use header tags in your content. People surfuring online may not come across your content, and if they do, they may ignore it. Henceforth, heading tags are required to attract and retain the visitors and can be well-written by professionals.

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Heading tags explained

They form an outline of your content. Heading 1 or H1 tag is the title or name of the content, and this is the most essential part of the writing. After H1, H2, H3 and H4 are used in numerical order, reducing its importance and size. For instance, if you are writing a blog on Thanksgiving, the heading tag structure should be:

H1: Delicious Recipes for Thanksgiving

H2: Dishes you can try

H3: Turkey and ham

H3: Deviled eggs

H3: Spinach dip

H3: Sweet potatoes

Labelling the content in a numbered or bulleted list will further make the content look organised.

The importance

Gives a structure to content– Imagine, clicking a post and finding a giant wall of text. Will you be interested to read it? You will immediately leave the article and find another suitable post. This is not the fault of the content, but it is presented before the readers. Readers look for a good headline, small paragraphs, readable texts and good images. Heading tags make the write-up easy to scan. Each header must aptly describe what is present in the paragraph.

Enhances accessibility– Heading tags use a code that let the web browsers know how to showcase a blog before the readers. These also help readers to access the content who cannot read screens. Visually impaired readers take the help of a screen reader to read the text for them. As headings are in HTML, visually impaired people know the summary of the article by listening to the headings.

Improves SEO– H1 tags are a crucial feature for SEO. Search engines analyse the headings and look for suitable keywords for a user’s search. If the heading match with the searchers, there is a better chance of the content appearing on the search results early.

Want proper headings for your blogs? Get in touch with an SEO optimisation company in Liverpool.