Why Should You Make Your Website HTTPS?

When it is about your business website, security plays a key role in its overall success. Recent studies have revealed that approximately 80% of consumers would not make any kind of purchase if their data is at risk due to unsecured connection. Also, more than 75% of consumers would not browse websites that are unsecured. So, if you still have not made your website HTTPS, you are probably losing a lot of potential customers.

Below given are some more reasons as to why you should immediately make your business website HTTPS.

Internet advertising agency in Bradford

Improved security

The primary reason is to make your website more secured so that your visitors can enjoy a better user experience. According to statistics, cyber-attack takes place every thirty-nine seconds and most of the attacks are targeted towards small businesses. Even Google has made certain changes to its ranking algorithm to provide better user experience and if your website is not HTTPS, Google sends out a warning to visitors. So, make your website HTTPS and protect the confidential information of your website visitors.

Increase in search engine rankings

Since security is one of the main criteria for user experience, you will notice that most of the websites that appear on the first page of the SERPs are HTTPS. Google does not want users to visit websites that are not secured. If you want your website to rank higher, you need to contact an Internet advertising agency in Bradford and make your website HTTPS.

Enhanced rate of conversions

Users may not have an in-depth technical understanding about secured connections, but they know better than to visit a website that is not secured. Since they want to safeguard their personal information from hackers, they prefer HTTPS websites. Since the time Google started their HTTP labelling, there has been a huge difference in the conversion rates between HTTPS and HTTP websites. Obviously, HTTPS websites have a better rate of conversion as these websites offer safety and peace of mind to the users.

More customer loyalty

More and more users are specifically looking for websites with secured connections. A secure connection provides customers with peace of mind that the website can be trusted and their private data is protected.

So, if you want to make your HTTPS, get in touch with a professional digital marketing agency in Bradford. Make sure to request a quote before joining hands.

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