Effective Ways to Drive More Organic Traffic to Your Website

SEO marketing Leeds

Ranking high in the SERPs is tough. There is cut-throat competition thanks to over 1 billion websites across the world. If you are looking to build an existing SEO campaign or struggling to get started, the following tips on organic SEO in Manchester should help you get a headstart.

Rank your content in Google’s Featured Snippet

It is possible that you have come across Google’s Featured Snippet more than once. This is a section that appears on the first page of Google and above the organic search results. This section displays answers to search queries and takes snippets from blogs, articles or other types of content that appears relevant to the question. The snippet is often a summary of the answer that the user is looking for. This appears more frequently for question-based keywords and it is considered to be rank ‘zero’. If your content appears on Featured Snippet, the link to your website will be displayed and you can expect a higher click-through rate on such results.

Boost content that is underperforming

A large percentage of most websites’ leads and organic traffic comes from a small percentage of the total content present on the website. So, to boost organic traffic, you need to improve the underperforming content. This can be done by adding relevant keywords or finding pages to push internal links from.

Understand user intent

Consumer behaviour and intent are constantly changing. You cannot craft content without knowing the questions that your audience is asking. Your content must give your potential customers that information and answers that they are looking for. This will help in driving traffic to your website. Also, it is a good idea to break up text-heavy content and restructure it using bullets, small paragraphs and subheadings. You can also include optimised images so that it is easier for the search engines to crawl and index your content whilst at the same time, easier for your audience to absorb the information.

So, these are some of the ways by which you can drive organic traffic to your website. If you want to know more, connect with a professional organic SEO company in Manchester. A professional company will be able to run a thorough audit of your website and existing SEO strategy to provide you with a personalised solution. This will help you in getting a competitive edge.


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