Know about the SEO Trends that are Dominating 2020


Each new year brings with it new technologies, strategies and techniques when it comes to search engine optimisation. In 2020, you cannot continue to rely on the SEO tactics that you implemented in 2019. If you want to stay ahead of your competitors in Birmingham or anywhere in the UK, you have to consider adopting the latest strategies that will give you an edge over the others. Take a look below at the SEO trends that are dominating this year.

Position zero on the SERP

For a long time, businesses have invested their time and effort to make sure that your website occupies the first position on the search engine results page. But, things have changed considerably with the introduction of Google’s featured snippets. Featured snippets appear above organic listings on the SERPs and aim to provide users with the most relevant answer to their question. Google’s bots do not restrict themselves to websites appearing on the first page of the SERPs, but they aim to find the best answer. The answers displayed in the featured snippets are usually in the form of lists, numbers or a summary of a blog or article, and there is also a link to the original article. As featured snippets have a high potential of driving traffic and bringing leads, they have been termed as the new position zero.


Personalisation is particularly important to eCommerce websites. As you know, shoppers are bombarded with marketing messages from various channels, and therefore, it is not difficult to tune out such messages. But, if you personalise your marketing approach, you will be able to forge a connection between your consumer and your brand. Personalisation might mean sending a marketing email with the name of the recipient or tailoring the mail to reflect the interests of the user.

Slow websites are out

The importance of fast websites cannot be harped enough. The need for websites that load quickly have been trending for a few years and in 2020, you need to take action or fall behind. With access to smartphones and Internet on-the-go, consumers have become allergic to slow websites. So, you need to make sure that your website is able to fully load within 3 seconds and gets adapted to various screen sizes.

If you want to know about the other trends, avail professional SEO services in Birmingham.


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