Useful SEO Tips to Welcome in 2020


Are you looking for ways to gain a higher ranking for your website? Do you want your website to appear amongst the top searches in the SERPs? If the answers are yes, you should consider using the latest SEO (search engine optimisation) strategies to gain an influential online presence. In case you lack knowledge of how the search engines functions, you can hire guaranteed SEO services in Manchester and leverage their experience, access to high-end resources and a professional in-house team.

As the world of SEO is constantly evolving, it is imperative to adapt your new or existing strategies to the changing times. Below given are some of the SEO strategies that are predicted to fare well in 2020.

Google Featured Snippet

Nowadays, when you search something on Google, you are likely to find the answer inside a box, either in the form of a table or list or even a paragraph. This is called the Google featured snippet where Google chooses to show the most appropriate answers to the search queries raised by the users. Avail guaranteed SEO services in Manchester to create easily comprehensible content that provides the most accurate answers to the customers. This will enable Google to feature your content in the featured snippet, which appears before the organic search results.

Longtail Keywords

Targeting the keywords containing at least 3 to 4 words, or more will help in the success and profits of your business website. The longer the keywords are, the search becomes more exact and accurate. Thus, targeting longtail keywords will help to meet the appropriate search results of the consumers and help in directing traffic to your website. With the advent of more and more websites and the increased use of mobile devices, it is predicted that the search queries are likely to have longtail keywords.

Besides the aforementioned, you must also concentrate on accelerating the loading speed of your website pages and creating a responsive website that will function across all screen sizes. If you need help, you can seek guaranteed SEO services in Manchester from a professional agency.


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