What is the Importance of URL Structure in SEO?

Ranking Factors in SEO

A URL creates the first impression of the website. If a URL is not clear to the people, they will clearly not show any interest to visit the website, resulting in a high bounce rate. Google takes the URL structure seriously when it comes to ranking your website. Here is why you should pay attention to it and approach a leading SEO company in Edinburgh for creating an accurate URL for your website.

It improves user experience

If the URL is designed correctly, it benefits both searchers and search engines. It should provide information so that the users can understand what the landing page is about. For this, a URL should have less than 60 characters. The shorter the URL is, the better is the user experience. Use of hyphen and lower case further enhance the user experience.

It boosts ranking

URL does not play a pivotal role in determining the page’s rank. However, including a keyword in the URL can be beneficial. One should remember that URL enhances the website’s visibility, hence adding a keyword can bring the website into searchers’ attention. It becomes clear to the audience whether the page is relevant to their search or not. Professionals of leading SEO company in Edinburgh suggest that stuffing the URL with many keywords or repetition of keywords do not bring any positive results. It makes the website appear spammy.

It helps in linking

When a proper URL is designed, it serves as an authentic link whilst sharing important information on social media platforms. It can be easily copied and pasted on multiple channels to fetch more audience to the website from other platforms.

It provides clarity to the audience

A structured URL provides a significant amount of clarity to the audience regarding the website. It is a good practice if the page’s title is matched with the URL. On matching the title, the audience gets to know what they are going to find on the page, thus increasing the chances of getting clicked.

Framing a URL requires a lot of precision. Though it may look easy, it is not a layman’s job. You need the help of experts of leading SEO company in Edinburgh to create a URL that can please searchers as well as search engines. As URL marks the first impression of any website, you must put the best foot forward.


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